The WellSpring Private School

Upcoming events

WellSpring Weekly

January 25, 2024

Dear Parents,

This week marks the end of Semester 1! Our secondary students are relieved to have finals week behind them, while EC assessment week and Elementary unit tests also come to an end this week. Well done to all our students for their hard work and great effort this past semester. We are a school with high expectations for the growth of our students, and end of semester testing is just one way to measure growth.

Looking ahead to the new semester, the calendar is already populated with field trips, sports tournaments, coffee mornings and more. Find details below.

MS and HS field days

Middle School will have their field day this afternoon after their last exam, and will end at normal Thursday dismissal time. High School will have their field day tomorrow, Friday. Normal Friday school times will apply. Check out the notification on Canvas for more information.

The field days are organized by Ms. Amanda and team and will be tons of fun for the students. May the best team win!

Professional Development Day

Our second Professional Development Day is coming up on Monday, January 29 and there will be no school on that day.

For students, this means a long weekend marking the end of the first semester. For our teachers and support staff, this is a day set aside specifically for them to learn new skills, collaborate with colleagues and further develop their expertise.

Report cards

Semester 1 will end on January 26th and Semester 1/Quarter 2 report cards will be issued on Friday, February 2nd. They will be issued electronically on PowerSchool. We will share how to access the report cards in next week’s newsletter.

Extra curriculars (Clubs and Athletics)

If you have not done so already, this is a gentle reminder to parents to please pay for your child’s Club and/or Athletics programs. Payments can be made to Ms. Reem in the Finance office.

Admissions season for 2024-25

Admissions season is about to begin. We’d like to give our current families priority in registering their other children and friends and/or relatives who may be interested to join WellSpring, before opening up to the public. You can find the application form here.

Parent Council coffee morning:

Managing Transition

The Parent Council has the pleasure to invite WellSpring families to the 2nd coffee morning for this year. Mrs. Andrea Klopper, High School English teacher and a frequent traveler, is our guest speaker. She will host this open discussion with parents on how to manage transition and help children accept changes.

Date is Thursday, February 1st at 8:30 am in the school conference room. Please confirm your attendance via WhatsApp on 0506393914.

Looking ahead:

Last day of school

The last day of the 2023-24 school year will be Wednesday, June 26. Final exam week for Secondary will be from June 20 – 21 and June 24 – 25. Please note that exams may not be taken earlier than this. Please refer to Canvas and the calendar for all exam related information.

First day of new school year

The first day of school after the summer vacation, for the new 2024-25 school year, will be Monday, August 26. More details to follow.

Have a look at the highlights of the week here.

Enjoy your weekend!

WellSpring Administration

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