The WellSpring Private School

Upcoming events

WellSpring Weekly

May 30, 2024

Dear Parents,

It’s busy season at WellSpring! It’s a bittersweet time where we are counting down the days to the end of another school year, but we are also reminded that sadly it is time for our seniors to graduate soon. The Senior Presentations this week have been a wonderful insight into how far our senior students have come, and we are grateful that WellSpring has been a part of their journey.

Admissions season is ramping up. Make sure to reenroll your students, and to let any friends or family know to apply soon if they intend starting in the new year at WellSpring.

We’re excited for the Fine Arts Festivals today and next week, where our students get to display the product of all their hard work in the Arts.

Read more important notices below, and enjoy the week’s highlights by following the link at the end of the newsletter.

Re-enrollment 2024-25

Re-enrollment season has begun! Reenroll soon to ensure your child’s seat for next year. The process will take place on PowerSchool via the parent portal. You may log into your account, and there is a section for re-enrolling your child(ren) easily and electronically. Here are instructions on how to access the portal.

There are three steps to complete the re-enrollment process:
Step 1 - Settle the remaining overdue balance for 2023-24.
Step 2 - Complete PowerSchool re-enrollment process:
Step 3 - Make the re-enrollment deposit of 2000 AED for 2024-25 to secure a space for your child.
The deadline for re-enrollment is June 30, 2024.

Please take a look at the 2024-25 Tuition and Fees document here. Note that there is a 5% discount if fees are paid in full.
Please contact the Finance team at for any account related questions.

As we are nearing the end of the school year our admissions have been getting busier and busier. If you have any siblings that you want to enroll in WellSpring you are encouraged to do so as soon as possible. We do not want you to miss out on enrollment due to lack of space.

Dismissal times reminder

Please be reminded about school dismissal times, listed below.
If you need to pick your child up early from school, please make sure to let the teacher/school know well in advance. Otherwise, please wait in your car until your child is dismissed, as early pick ups disrupt the whole class. Thank you for your understanding.

• 2:50 PM – Pre-KG, KG1 and KG2
• 3:00 PM – Elementary students and any KG siblings
• 3:10 PM – Secondary students

• 11:30 AM - all Early Childhood and Elementary students
• 11:40 AM - Secondary students

Concerts and art exhibits:

Fine Arts Festivals

You are warmly invited to our Fine Arts Festivals today, May 30 for Secondary (3:30 – 4:30pm) and next week Thursday, June 6 for Elementary (1:30 – 2:30pm). We are excited for our students to showcase their artistic talents in both the concerts and art exhibits. Please take note of the dates and times for each festival.

Exams and last day of school

The last day of the 2023-24 school year will be Wednesday, June 26 for all students. Because of the Eid holiday, final exam week for Secondary will be from June 24 – 26. Please note that exams may not be taken earlier than this. Please refer to Canvas, newsletters from the Secondary principals and the calendar for all exam related information.

Staff appreciation:

Message from the Parent Council

The Parent Council invites all parents to celebrate the hard working teachers, staff and administration of Wellspring. Please consider bringing a dish to contribute to brunch in their honor on Friday, June 7. You can drop off the dish in a disposable container by 8 am that day. Please also check your WhatsApp messages for additional notes from the Parent Council.

Seasonal health issues and preventive measures

Many students have been complaining of similar health issues lately. Please remember that children need healthy food, proper sleep, and enough water to keep hydrated especially now that temperatures are rising.

As preventative measures, please make sure that your children are getting enough vitamin C and D supplements to improve their immunity. Foods like citrus fruits, kiwis, blueberries, broccoli and yogurt are also very helpful to boost immune power.

Looking ahead:

First day of new school year

The first day of school after the summer vacation, for the new 2024-25 school year, will be Monday, August 26. More details to follow.

Have a look at the highlights of the week here.

Have a wonderful weekend!

WellSpring Administration

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The WellSpring Private School is accredited by Cognia, the largest education improvement organization in the world—demonstrating our commitment to learners, teachers, leaders and communities.