Upcoming events
February 20, 2025
Culture Day
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March 03, 2025
Ramadan reduced hours
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March 10, 2025
Ramadan reduced hours
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WellSpring Weekly
March 08, 2024
Dear Parents,
Our calendar has been full of good things like field trips where students take their learning outside of the norms of the classroom, lots of events for students and parents alike, festivals and celebrations, Space Week and more. Amidst all these, it is safe to say Culture Day is one of the highlights of the year. It is very special to celebrate the many cultures represented at our school. Thanks to everyone who made yesterday’s Culture Day a resounding success.
Looking ahead, we are now in Green Month, where we will explore and educate ourselves about sustainability. Reading month is also coming up, see below how to prepare well.
As we move into the month of Ramadan, please take note of the reduced school hours starting next week. We wish all our Muslim families a blessed and peaceful Ramadan. Ramadan Mubarak!
Enjoy the week’s highlights using the link at the end of the newsletter.

Ramadan reduced hours
School hours for Ramadan have been confirmed, please see below:
- Monday – Thursday: 9am - 1:30pm (1:40pm for Secondary)
- Friday: 9am - 12pm. Fridays are in person, not online.
Drop off will begin at 8:30am and classes will start at 9am.

Culture Day
Culture Day yesterday was an exciting, festive and fun celebration of what makes our school truly international. Thank you to parents, teachers, students, staff and everyone who joined us for the day. We loved the different foods from all over the world, the different traditional styles of clothing, the celebration and display of different cultures exhibited on stage, and the fact that we get to celebrate all of these things together. Culture Day is an important time to showcase what makes us unique while also celebrating and appreciating each other.
Thank you for such a successful Culture Day 2024!

Green month
The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it.
– Robert Swan, author and environmental leader.
Join us as we embark on a journey of sustainability, of being more careful with our choices towards the environment and building habits that preserve our Earth and our future. The month of March is “Green Month”, wherein together as a school community we will lay greater emphasis on building environment-friendly habits.
We kick off the first of the events – ‘Green Day’ - by wearing GREEN on Monday, March 11th. As a way to spread awareness and highlight the importance of sustainability, all students are encouraged to wear green.
Elementary Leadership Club and volunteers from Secondary addressed the assemblies this week raising awareness for the need to reduce waste, conserve water and electricity. Hold tight, lots of fun activities and challenges are lined up for this month! Can we do a whole day without using any electrical appliances? You bet we can!
Reading Month
Reading month will be celebrated from April 15th - May 10th for all EC to Secondary students. We will have some exciting reading activities throughout the four weeks like a Book Fair, Book Character Dress Up day, guest readers, and time to share books. Details about each activity will be shared at a later date.
To prepare, make sure your child is reading every day at home. We have a wide range of accessible books: library books at school and an online reading platform called myON.

Parent Survey
As part of our ongoing continuous improvement, we invite you to take part in our annual parent survey. The survey will ask you questions about the school’s learning environment, educational programs, your child’s teachers, school safety, school-home communication, and parental involvement opportunities. We need your perspective as we evaluate these aspects of our school, and we appreciate your comments.
Survey link: https://eprovesurveys.advanc-ed.org/surveys/#/action/246993/p63358

Emirates IDs
Please make sure to send your child’s Emirates ID to school to hand to their teacher, or Ms. Samah for Secondary students. These are needed to update our students’ profiles on the MOE system, and will be returned promptly.
Looking ahead:
Last day of school
The last day of the 2023-24 school year will be Wednesday, June 26. Final exam week for Secondary will be from June 20 – 21 and June 24 – 26. Please note that exams may not be taken earlier than this. Please refer to Canvas and the calendar for all exam related information.
First day of new school year
The first day of school after the summer vacation, for the new 2024-25 school year, will be Monday, August 26. More details to follow.
Recognized for excellence
The WellSpring Private School is accredited by Cognia, the largest education improvement organization in the world—demonstrating our commitment to learners, teachers, leaders and communities.